OPAL Publishing

OPAL publishes accessible and affordable Christian books, tracts and leaflets for churches and Christian leaders in the Majority World.

We believe that Christian literature changes lives, and so OPAL serves Christian leaders and churches in the Majority World by equipping them with the quality evangelical literature they need for their ministry and mission. 

The range of resources published by OPAL is growing. 

These include -

Latest Publications

Introductions to Christian Life and Teaching

Books on Christian Leadership

Books for the African Context

Latest Publications

Does God Promise me Health, Wealth and Happiness?

Does God promise health, wealth and happiness to all Christians now? What about Christians who are not healed or who live in poverty, do they lack faith or has God rejected them? Is what prosperity preachers proclaim true Christianity?

This book is written by the experienced African Christian leader Femi Adeleye to answer these questions. He takes us back to the Bible to look carefully at what God means by prosperity. What does the Bible mean by words like health, wealth and happiness? The answers will be surprising to many, and give hope to all Christian believers.

The African Christian Family

In The African Christian Family, twelve African leaders apply biblical teaching and wise pastoral advice to the everyday realities of Christian family life in Africa. They cover areas such as marriage, parenting, responsibilities to extended family, singleness, childlessness, and care for children with special needs. With great honesty, courage, and sensitivity the writers promote God-honouring, and biblically-faithful, living and decision making for African Christians facing challenges posed by aspects of their culture and tradition. 

Introductions to Christian Life and Teaching

Knowing and Doing

OPAL’s introduction to the Christian faith has been translated into more than 50 languages, and over 500,000 copies have been printed. Written by John McQuoid, a former missionary in Ethiopia, it outlines the basics of Christian teaching and living in a simple and accessible style with study and discussion questions. 

Knowing and Doing is also available in the following languages

(Not all language versions are stocked in the UK warehouse) 

Knowing the Good News

Knowing the Good News builds on the foundations of Knowing and Doing. Using the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans as an outline, Knowing the Good News explains simply what the Christian message is all about in an easy-to-read format.

Knowing the Good News is suitable for those who have recently become Christians, for those who have never looked at the teachings of Christianity before, and is a valuable resource for those who want to explain the Christian message to others. 

The author, Geoff McIlrath, serves as an elder with Castlereagh Fellowship, Belfast, UK.

Suffering for Christ

This book is written for those who face suffering because of their Christian faith. It explores the big questions asked by those suffering for Jesus Christ, including why God allows it, and how Christians facing persecution should respond. The author shows how God is at work, sometimes in surprising ways, even when His people suffer. 

FROM THE COVER ' This book deals with a crucial truth taught throughout the Scriptures. It is a must-read for the global church when the Christian virtue of endurance is fading... The book is rich and accessible, concise and clear' - Sunday Bobai Agang, (Provost, Jos Evangelical Theological Seminary, Nigeria)

The author, Shahbaz Masih Boota, is Principal of Zarephath Bible Seminary in Pakistan. He is married to Silvia, and they have three children.

A Life Worth Living

A Life Worth Living, by Tom Glover, introduces the way to Christian growth and maturity, outlining the challenges to be faced and how there are no shortcuts.

A Life Worth Living is also available in a Bemba translation.

Books on Christian Leadership

Learning To Preach

Learning to Preach, is written for those beginning to preach, or with no formal training, to understand the nature of preaching, and how to prepare and deliver Bible messages. Authored by experienced preachers Jeremy McQuoid (a Pastor in Scotland and Chair of Keswick Ministries), and Stephen McQuoid (General Director of GLO Europe) it is filled with wisdom and advice about this vital task.

Learning To Lead

Learning to Lead by David Clarkson (Tilsley College) and Stephen McQuoid (General Director of GLO Europe) prepares Christian leaders to face the challenges of today’s world, and is filled with biblical and practical advice.  

Learning to Share the Good News

Learning to Share the Good News written by Stephen McQuoid (General Director of GLO Europe) is filled with suggestions for developing strategies and taking opportunities for evangelism through the local church. 

Books for the African Context

OPAL has also published books to help readers in Africa grow in their Christian faith. 

The African Christian Family

In The African Christian Family, twelve African leaders apply biblical teaching and wise pastoral advice to the everyday realities of Christian family life in Africa. They cover areas such as marriage, parenting, responsibilities to extended family, singleness, childlessness, and care for children with special needs. With great honesty, courage, and sensitivity the writers promote God-honouring, and biblically-faithful, living and decision making for African Christians facing challenges posed by aspects of their culture and tradition. 

The Journey of Life

The Journey of Life retells John Bunyan’s classic Pilgrim’s Progress for the African reader. Written by Jonathan Newell, an experienced missionary in Africa, and illustrated with images from Africa life, it depicts the Christian life as a journey, with many challenges and blessings on the way. Discussion sections help readers to relate the story to their experiences. 

Journey of Life is also available in Portuguese, Chichewa, and Shona.

Blessings Minibus – Journey to South Africa

Blessings Minibus is a series for children retelling parables and teachings of Jesus in an African context using the character of an African Minibus. Written by Jonathan Newell, an experienced missionary in Africa, the books are filled with colourful illustrations, and with discussion questions. Children will delight in the stories which are also an excellent teaching tool. 

For other Blessings Minibus titles please contact us.

Hope on Every Side


Fear on Every Side


Fear on Every Side and Hope on Every Side tell the story of a young African’s journey from boyhood to manhood, and from the fears and superstitions of his upbringing to his acceptance of Christ as Saviour. Drawing on his experiences as a missionary in Africa, Jonathan Newell uses the account of John Banda to help readers understand social and cultural issues in African life, and how faith in Christ brings hope and security for the future.

Books on Christian Mission and History

From Glasgow to Garenganze

This biography tells the remarkable story of Frederick Stanley Arnot and his courageous pioneering ministry in what is now Congo. In this account of the development of nineteenth-century overseas mission, Ian Burness draws on his own insights gained working in Central Africa, and later as General Director of a mission organisation.

Future Publishing Projects

OPAL is developing publishing projects on a series of topics identified as key needs in the Majority World. Written in accessible language and format, and affordable to those with limited resources, they are especially for local Christian leaders, Bible College students, and those involved in teaching and training ministries. Based on our best-selling Knowing and Doing they are designed to help Christians leaders in the Majority World to  – 

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12